Bishop A.M.A. Blanchet Council is a dynamic council animated by the principles of unity, fraternity, and most importantly, charity. The council was formed in May of 2013 but traces its heritage to a council formed at the Proto-Cathedral 100 years earlier and named Columbia Council.
This illustrious history of charity and service to the Proto-Cathedral continues today through the many charitable works that Knights perform for the parishioners and the greater community. These events include the “Coats for Kids” fundraiser, the “Tootsie Roll” event to benefit the Special Olympics, and many others.
Fraternity is another of the core values of the Knights and finds its expression in many ways at the Proto-Cathedral including the monthly Knights Night Out event, the Lenten Fish Fry dinners every Wednedsay during Lent, and many more fun events for Knights and, especially, their families.
These events and many others are only possible with the dedication and motivation of the Knights that make up Bishop A.M.A. Blanchet Council. We are always looking for members who share these core values and look forward to speaking with you about joining the Knights of Columbus.